Too many haven’t taken the trouble to study the last 50 years of advertising.
They’re content to take advice from themselves without reading or study.
As a result they don’t insist on ads that stop people, ads that are memorable.
The idea that brilliance is compulsory doesn’t guide the development process.
So, are they the best for briefing agencies and evaluating their work?
Maybe not.
But a bit of time spent on YouTube could change that.
Look up the great spots Doyle Dane Bernbach did in their heyday.
See the Wells Rich Greene ‘Driving Instructor’ spot for American Motors Corporation.
Take in the Scali McCabe Sloves Volvo work.
Get the Collet Dickenson Pearce spots for Heineken.
Find the Boase Massimi Pollit Guardian ‘Points of View’ commercial.
That’s all you need to understand that people respond to emotion, warmth, wit, charm and reasoned persuasion.
The public haven’t changed in this – they’re still human in the digital age.
It’s only that marketing and procurement people have changed.
They’ve been sold the idea that technology is a silver bullet.
Yes, well …
If technology is a silver bullet then wit, charm and reasoned persuasion is a bullet of the Cruise Missile kind.