Many say techies and business people are getting brainer in Silicon Valley.
Or should we say Silicon Valley of the Dolls?
‘Dolls’ is code for pills as in Jacqueline Susann’s book, Valley of the Dolls.
But this time we have smart pills sling-shotting intelligence higher in the Bay Area and beyond.
One smart pill is Modafinil. Prescription only, it was developed for narcolepsy.
You could run across it as Alertec, Modavigil, and Provigil, as well.
Here the benefit is increased cognitive ability that comes with an impressive checklist:
Mental consistency.
Sharper memory and the ability to concentrate.
An easy way to solve complex problems.
Online reviews come with revealing quotes:
‘Brilliantly awake’.
‘You’ve got new purpose, direction and will.’
‘Brain 2.0’.
‘What’s interesting suddenly becomes fascinating. You’re in gear; any inability is airbrushed away.’
Those remarks make you wonder, don’t they?
The thing is with Modafinil, neurotransmitters in the brain gain an unfair advantage. Science becomes your genie.
Now for a definition …
Wikipedia says Modafinil is a Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor, whatever that may be.
We’re thinking it’s an upper of sorts.
Maybe your kids can tell you.
By more than a few accounts high school and college students use Modafinil to ace tests.
Getting a 91 is good, but a 97 gets you closer to Summa Cum Laude.
It’s said the Army was smart-pill-empowered in Iraq.
We’ll, an Abrams Tank is mighty, however it’s even better when manned by a brilliant driver, right?
But hold on a minute, the lights are turning amber on smart pills.
The reason for writing today is to pass on a caution.
A marketer we know purchased Modafinil on the Internet.
The result was nil, no effect.
He bought fakes.
But that’s not as bad as ingesting something that could play havoc with your health and wellbeing.
There’s counterfeiting with Modafinil and other pharmaceuticals. Forgeries extend to medical devices and hospital equipment.
Maybe the fake Rolex watchmakers are looking for new revenue streams.
Of course, there’s risk involved with fakes and maybe the real stuff. No long-term studies have been done on Modafinil.
Still, if Silicon Valley starts wowing us even more than usual we can hazard a guess at one thing.
Someone’s neurotransmitters are getting extra help.
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