Zebras. Their hearing is sharp. It’s highly acute to warn against approaching animals or people.
Giraffes. Necks that go up and up forever lead to long-range vision to detect trouble before it can get dangerously close.
Zebras and giraffes are wholly different but they often herd together.
It’s thought they cooperate to guard against being attacked and eaten by lions.
One group acts as an alarm system for the other.
Read about this in On Trails by Robert Moor. Your interest will be rewarded on every page.
On the subject of cooperation (and its opposite), in more than a few companies we’ve worked with there are two different animals.
Marketing and IT.
You don’t need me to tell you they come from dissimilar worlds.
They think differently, they’re educated differently, their goals are unalike and they often exist in silos.
Actually, at times those silos can be more accurately described as fiefdoms.
Instead of working to advance the overall performance of a company, Marketing and IT often compete.
Who’s more effective, who’s more valuable … those questions underlie battles for supremacy.
To hell with the overall progress of the organization.
It’s estimated billions are lost with strife and inefficiency that kills communication.
What’s a CEO to do?
Could education be the answer?
Maybe marketers need to become geekier. Maybe they should hit the books and benefit with tech learning.
Justly, maybe IT needs to read into the wee hours, as well.
Maybe they can learn more about brands, product differentiation and ways to create the moment someone buys.
Let’s hope there’s a way for marketing and IT to come together to ditch the silos and support one another.
Because failing to do that opens the door for one thing.
Competitors who pounce like hungry lions.