If you’re anything like people in our office, you’d rather set fire to your own hair than read boring ads, emails, and Websites.
They’re a chore.
You’d be right to say many are indifferent; they’re often just time-expired ideas, leaving you with the feeling you’re on a hopeless journey.
Why bother.
What’s worse is content without a strong headline. You’re left with a wodge of words that do little to stir curiosity.
Content without an intriguing headline is like handing someone a newspaper with the front page torn off and expecting them to get interested.
It’s not going to happen, is it?
If you’re writing a Tweet, a landing page or say, a social media post about a brand of raspberry jam, why not say something unexpected?
Something that’s not the usual bollocks.
Remember that old rule about not being allowed to watch TV on a school night?
That could well apply to buckling down after hours to learn how to write better headlines.
A place for marketers and agency people to start is The Copywriter’s Bible.
It shows you how 32 of the world’s best advertising writers write their copy.
It’s where you’ll find an escape from all that’s dull and inert.
It’s applicable to the Digital Age or any age as it’s about triggering human motivation.
Dare we say it, that includes sales.
Remember selling?
Here you’ll learn how to communicate with wit, charm and reasoned thinking.
An example is an ad that ran in the UK for The Solicitors’ Regional Directory.
On the face of it that sounds like a book that’s dead boring. A yawn.
The visual for the ad is three conservative looking men in suits carrying briefcases. Three straight arrows.
The headline is ‘Which one of these men do you think would be best at rape?’
It turns out that the men are all solicitors. One is better at bankruptcy, one at property and one at crime.
The Solicitors’ Regional Directory helps you choose the best legal representative for the job when you’re in dire need.
As when you or someone close to you has been raped.
Suddenly The Solicitors’ Regional Directory becomes valuable. Essential, really.
Of course, headlines and content should always be good enough to raise the value of a product.
They should add to its worth and help to polish the brand.
Anything less and your customers are left to do one thing.
Set fire to their own hair.
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